Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Almost complete interruption of tourist activity in April 2020
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate - April 2020
Almost complete interruption of tourist activity in April 2020
29 May 2020


According to the flash estimate, in April 2020, the tourist accommodation sector should have registered 68.0 thousand guests and 193.8 thousand overnight stays, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of -97.1% and -96.7%, respectively (-62.3% and -58.7% in March, in the same order). Overnight stays from residents will have decreased by 92.7% (-57.6% in March) and those from non-residents will have fallen by 98.3% (-59.2% in the previous month).
In April, in the context of the state of emergency, around 80.6% of tourist accommodation establishments would have been closed or did not received guests.
According to the results of an additional specific questionnaire which, during April and May, Statistics Portugal promoted and obtained answers from around 5,000 establishments, on the perspectives for tourist activity in the coming months until August, 78.4% of the respondent tourist accommodation establishments (representing 90.4% of the capacity) pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of bookings scheduled for March to August 2020. This percentage varies inversely with the extension of the time horizon: 74.4% reported cancellations for June, 63.6% for July and 57.5% for August.

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