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Negligible movement of passengers at national airports in June
Transport activities
Air Transport Flash Statistics: June 2020
Negligible movement of passengers at national airports in June
17 August 2020


In June 2020 there was a movement of 318.2 thousand passengers at national airports, representing a decrease of 94.6% (-98.5% in May). The movement of freight and mail totalled 7.5 thousand tonnes, corresponding to a decrease of 54.1% (-55.5% in May).
In the 2nd Q 2020, the number of passengers handled at national airports decreased by 97.4% (-15.4% in the 1st Q 2020).
In the 1st semester 2020, France was the main country of origin and destination of passengers at national airports, followed by the United Kingdom which showed the major reduction in the number of passengers (-72.2% disembarked and -69.8% embarked). Faro airport recorded the greatest decrease, in relative terms, in the movement of passengers (-79.9%).

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