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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Retail Trade Turnover index decreased 4.5%
Trade Turnover, Employment, Wages and Salaries and Hours worked Indexes
Retail Trade Turnover index decreased 4.5% - December 2020
29 January 2021


Retail trade turnover index registered a year-on-year change rate of -4.5% in December, 0.8 percentage points higher than the rate observed in November. In the 4th quarter of 2020 the year-on-year change rate was -3.4% (-2.1% in the 3rd quarter). The negative variation in the 4th quarter was due exclusively to the strong reduction of 7.9% in the retail trade of non-food products, as the trade in food products increased 2.3%. The annual change rate of the retail trade turnover index stood at -4.1% (4.3% in 2019).
The indices of employment, wages and salaries and hours worked adjusted of calendar effects presented year-on-year change rates of -4.6%, -4.1% and -6.7%, respectively (-4.2%, 2.0% and -5.8% in the previous month, by the same order).
In terms of annual average, in 2020 the change in employment, wages and salaries and hours worked (gross data) was respectively 2.4%, 0.9% and -8.1% (2.4%, 5.1% and 1.8% in 2019).

Despite the circumstances determined by the pandemic COVID-19, Statistics Portugal calls for the best collaboration by companies, families and public entities in responding to Statistics Portugal’s data requests. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to identify the impacts of the pandemic COVID-19, crucially depends on this collaboration, which Statistics Portugal thanks in advance.

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