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Population mobility at regional level in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic - Data until November 16
Context indicators for the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal
Population mobility at regional level in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic - Data until November 16
20 November 2020


Using data from Facebook's "Data for Good" initiative, it is possible to obtain information on population mobility from a regional perspective. The results have highlighted that:
• In the first State of Emergency, it was confirmed a decrease in population mobility, with an increase following the implementation of the de-confinement measures. Recently, following the declaration of a new State of Calamity on 15 October, there has been a further overall reduction in average levels of mobility, which was accentuated by the declaration of a new State of Emergency on 9 November.
• All the NUTS 3 with 50% or more of the population living in municipalities at high risk of COVID-19 had, overall, lower levels of mobility than the other territories. Since 4 November - the date on which 121 high risk municipalities were identified - the set of NUTS 3 with all municipalities at high risk had the lowest levels of mobility on a daily basis. On the other hand, all NUTS 3 without municipalities at high risk tended to have the highest levels of mobility.
• On days with restricted movement between municipalities - Easter, Labour Day and All Saints' Day - there is a tendency for lower levels of mobility. This trend is particularly evident when comparing the days with mobility restrictions during Easter and Labour Day - when the country was also in a State of Emergency - with the same days in the beginning of March and the days after the start of the 2020/2021 school year.

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