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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Business activity slowed down slightly in 2019
Enterprises in Portugal
Definitive data - 2019
Business activity slowed down slightly in 2019
29 March 2021


In 2019, the main economic aggregates of the non-financial business sector in Portugal continued to evolve favorably, although decelerating compared to 2018, showing a 4.1% growth in persons employed and nominal growths of 4.0% in turnover and 5.8% in GVA (+4.3%, +6.8% and +6.4%, respectively, in 2018). Personnel expenses and gross operating surplus (GOS) increased by 8.7% and by 2.1%, respectively (+8.3% and +3.8% in the previous year, in the same order).

In the non-financial sector, 45,977 companies started their activity in 2019, corresponding to a birth rate of 10.5%, slightly higher than in 2018 (+0.6 p.p.). These new companies employed 86,623 persons and generated 2,540 million euros in turnover (+14.2% and +7.8%, respectively, in relation to that generated by new companies in the previous year).

In 2019, the companies belonging to groups representing only 8.0% of total companies, nevertheless concentrated 41.6% of persons employed, 64.9% of turnover and 60.9% of GVA. Compared to the previous year, these indicators grew by 6.0%, 3.8% and 6.2%, respectively.

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