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Strong increase in industrial prices
Monthly Economic Survey
Strong increase in industrial prices - September 2021
20 October 2021


The latest quantitative information available, reveals different dynamics in the evolution of nominal and in real indicators, particularly in industry, notably reflecting significant increases in prices. The manufacturing industry prices index accelerated in September to a year-on-year rate of change of 10.0% (9.2% in the previous month), recording the highest rate of change of the series, reflecting the strong increase in prices of energy and intermediate goods. The prices of manufacturing of consumption goods increased considerably below the other components, with a rate of change of 2.4%. In August, the short-term indicators point to an acceleration in nominal terms, while in real terms there was a decrease in industry and an acceleration in construction, surpassing the levels of the same period of 2019 in the last case. Also in the case of exports and imports of goods in nominal terms, the levels recorded in August were higher than those of the same period of 2019. The synthesis quantitative indicators (economic activity, private consumption and investment) presented less intense growths in August 2021 than in July. In September, the economic climate indicator decreased, presenting an irregular behaviour since July, when the recovery observed since March was interrupted.

According to the provisional monthly Labour Force Survey, the unemployment rate (16 to 74 years old), seasonally adjusted, was 6.4% in August, 0.2 percentage points less than in July (7.0% in May and 8.2% in August 2020). The labour underutilization rate (16 to 74 years old) stood at 12.6%, the same value as in July (15.5% in the same period of 2020).

On the contrary to manufacturing prices index, the year-on-year rate of change of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was stable at 1.5% between July and September. 

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