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Results more negative in passenger transport
Transport activities
Results more negative in passenger transport - 1st Quarter 2021
07 June 2021


The worsening of the pandemic crisis at the beginning of the current year determined that, in general, in the 1st quarter of 2021, the year-on-year reduction of passengers in all modes of transport had been more marked.
National airports handled 1.5 million passengers, which corresponded to a variation of -84.4% (-76.6% in the 4th Q 2020).
Also in the passenger transport by train and by metro, the decreases registered previously (-51.4% and -65.6% compared to -42.3% and -54.7% in the 4th Q 2020) were also accentuated, with respective totals of 18.9 and 20.3 million passengers handled.
Passenger transport by inland waterway decreased by 58.8% (-48.4% in 4th Q 2020), reaching 1.8 million passengers.
Goods transported by air and rail recorded less pronounced declines compared to the previous quarter: -21.7% in air transport (-26.1% in 4th Q 2020) and -2.4% in rail transport (-3.3% in 4th Q 2020). By sea there was a sharper decrease (-3.6%; -2.4% in 4th Q 2020) while by road there was an increase (+8.3%; -11.8% in 4th Q 2020).

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