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Revenue with reductions over 70% in march, reflecting the comparison with a month already affected by the pandemic
Tourism activity
Revenue with reductions over 70% in march, reflecting the comparison with a month already affected by the pandemic - March 2021
14 May 2021


The tourist accommodation sector registered 283.7 thousand guests and 636.1 thousand overnight stays in March 2021, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of -59.0% and -66.5% respectively (-87.1% and  87.8% in February, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents declined by 20.2% (-74.9% in February) and those of non-residents decreased by 86.2% (-94.5% in the previous month). However, it should be noted that the year-on-year rates of change concerning March compare with the first month of 2020 in which the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was already being significantly felt.

The net occupancy rate (10.1%) declined by 7.1 p.p. (-26.6 p.p. in February).

The total revenue registered in the tourist accommodation establishments amounted to EUR 26.4 million and the revenue of accommodation was EUR 20.6 million, corresponding to rates of change of -73.5% and -71.4%, respectively (-90.5% and -89.7% in February, in the same order).

Considering all tourism accommodation establishments, the average revenue per available room (RevPAR) was EUR 7.3 in March, corresponding to a decrease of 50.2% (-79.7% in February). The average daily rate (ADR) amounted to EUR 51.0 in March, which corresponded to a rate of change of -22.5% (-28.0% in February).

In the first quarter of 2021, there was a decrease of 80.0% in the total number of overnight stays, resulting from rates of change of -59.3% in residents and -90.0% in non-residents.

In March 2021, considering the whole set of accommodation (tourist accommodation establishments, camping and holiday camps, and youth hostels), there were 308.0 thousand guests and 768.4 thousand overnight stays, corresponding to rates of change of -58.4% and -63.7% respectively (-86.7% and -86.1% in February, in the same order).

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