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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Growth of tourist activity in april but still with large distance from the levels observed in the same period of 2019
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate: April 2021
Growth of tourist activity in april but still with large distance from the levels observed in the same period of 2019
31 May 2021


The tourist accommodation sector registered 460.0 thousand guests and 946.8 thousand overnight stays in April 2021, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of 762.6% and 510.8%, respectively, in relation to the same month of 2020, when the tourist activity practically ceased (-59.6% and -67.1% in March, in the same order). Compared to April 2019, guests decreased by 80.3% and overnight stays declined by 84.2%.
Overnight stays of residents grew by 517.0% (-20.8% in March) and those of non-residents increased by 496.5% (-86.7% in the previous month). Compared to April 2019, there were decreases of 60.3% and 93.5%, respectively.
In the first four months of the year, total overnight stays decreased by 70.1%, resulting from changes of -39.0% in residents and -85.6% in non-residents.
In April, 47.6% of the tourist accommodation establishments were closed or had no movement of guests (60.4% in March).

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