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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist activity kept recovering in May, but still with large distance from the levels observed in the same period of 2019
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate: May 2021
Tourist activity kept recovering in May, but still with large distance from the levels observed in the same period of 2019
01 July 2021


The tourist accommodation sector registered 1.0 million guests and 2.1million overnight stays in May 2021, which compares to 126.6 thousand guests and 261.6 thousand overnight stays in May 2020, when tourist activity was practically at a standstill. The levels reached in May 2021 were however lower than those observed in May 2019, with the number of guests having decreased by 62.3% and overnight stays declined by 68.6%.
Compared to May 2019, there were decreases of 22.3% in overnight stays from residents and 83.8% in overnight stays from non-residents.
In the first five months of the year, total overnight stays decreased by 48.8%, resulting from changes of -3.6% in residents and -72.7% in non-residents. It should be noted that these variations are influenced by the fact that in the first two months of 2020 the impact of the pandemic has not yet been felt. Compared to the same period in 2019, overnight stays decreased by 79.7% (-53.3% in residents and -90.1% in non-residents).
In May, 35.7% of the tourist accommodation establishments were closed or had no movement of guests (50.4% in April).

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