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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Air transport kept growing in May but still distant from 2019 values
Transport activities
Air Transport Flash Statistics
Air transport kept growing in May but still distant from 2019 values - May 2021
20 July 2021


In May 2021, there was a movement of 1.3 million passengers at national airports and the movement of freight and mail totalled 16.2 thousand tonnes. It is important to remember that, in the same month of 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, there was practically no traffic at airports.
Compared to May 2019, the movement of passengers at national airports decreased by 77.1% and the movement of freight and mail reduced by 10.6%.
It is noteworthy that between 17th and 31st of May 2021, disembarked 60.0% of the total passengers disembarked at national airports in the month, of which 25.5% on flights from the United Kingdom. Faro airport concentrated 55.4% of passengers flying from the United Kingdom between May 17 and 31.

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