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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist trips taken by residents increased by 83.9%, but still below the 2nd quarter of 2019 level
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourist trips taken by residents increased by 83.9%, but still below the 2nd quarter of 2019 level - 2nd Quarter 2021
27 October 2021


In the 2nd quarter of 2021, residents in Portugal made 3.6 million trips, which corresponded to an increase of 83.9% (-35.4% vis-à-vis the 2nd quarter of 2019). In the previous quarter they had registered a year-on-year change of -57.6%. By destination, 96.9% were domestic trips, corresponding to 3.5 million trips, more than 10 percentage points (p.p.) above the percentage registered in the 2nd quarter 2019 (85.2%). Conversely, trips abroad reduced their expression, totalling 111.7 thousand (3.1% of the total; +14.8% in the 2nd quarter of 2019).

“Leisure, recreation, or holidays” was the main reason for travelling in the 2nd quarter of 2021 (1.7 million trips, i.e., +65.1%; -35.8% vis-à-vis the 2nd quarter of 2019), having decreased its representativeness by 5.5 p.p. (48.3% of the total). The “visit to relatives or friends” as a reason to travel strengthened its representativeness (40.0% of the total, +5.1 p.p.), being the second main reason for the trips taken (1.4 million trips, +110.8%; -31.5% compared with the same period of 2019).

“Hotels and similar” accounted for 16.5% of overnight stays, strengthening their representativeness (+5.7 p.p.). “Free private accommodation” despite a loss in terms of the total (-7.4 p.p.) stood as the main choice in more than ¾ of all overnight stays (76.8%).

The Internet was used in the organization process of 14.2% of the trips (+2.3 p.p.), and this resource was an option in 53.5% (+5.4 p.p.) of the trips abroad and 12.9% (+1.3 p.p.) of the domestic trips.

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