Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Environmentally related taxes reached 5 billion euro
Environmentally related taxes and fees
Environmentally related taxes reached 5 billion euro - 2021
11 October 2022


In 2021, the value of environmentally related taxes was approximately 5 billion euro, representing 6.6% of revenue from taxes and social contributions (6.7% in 2020). That value corresponds to an increase of 6.3% compared to 2020, which was less intense than the increase observed for total revenue from taxes and social contributions (+7.5%), reflecting mainly the recovery of fuel consumption, since the revenue from taxes associated with the purchase of motor vehicles decreased again.

According to information available for 2020, in Portugal, the share of environmentally related taxes in total revenue from taxes and social contributions was higher (6.7%) than the EU27 average (5.6%).

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