Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Levels of guests and overnight stays from non-residents remain below 2019
Tourism activity
Levels of guests and overnight stays from non-residents remain below 2019 - May 2022
14 July 2022


The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.5 million guests and 6.5 million overnight stays in May 2022, corresponding to increases of 162.1% and 221.8%, respectively (+426.4% and +552.1% in April, in the same order). When compared with May 2019, there were reductions of 3.2% and 0.7%, respectively. 

In May, the domestic market contributed 1.8 million overnight stays and the external markets amounted to 4.7 million. When compared with May 2019, the domestic market grew by 11.6% and the external markets decreased by 4.7%.

The total revenue increased by 264.3%, to EUR 456.1 million, and the revenue from accommodation amounted to EUR 338.4 million, increasing by 275.1%. Compared with May 2019, there were increases of 11.8% and 11.9%, respectively.

The average revenue per available room (RevPAR) was EUR 56.5 in May, and the average daily rate (ADR) amounted to EUR 96.1. When compared to May 2019, the RevPAR increased by 8.0% and the ADR grew by 9.4%.

In the first five months of 2022, the number of overnight stays increased by 355.2% (+128.5% concerning residents and +775.8% regarding non-residents). When compared to the same period in 2019, the number of overnight stays decreased by 9.0% due to the decrease in overnight stays of non-residents (-14.4%), given that those spent by residents increased by 4.9%. In the period January to May 2022, the total revenue increased by 436.6% and the revenue from accommodation grew by 437.0% (+0.5% and +1.5% compared to the same period in 2019, respectively).

In the first five months of 2022, considering all means of accommodation (tourist accommodation establishments, camping and holiday camps, and youth hostels), there were 9.1 million guests and 23.1 million overnight stays registered, corresponding to increases of 282.9% and 320.6%, respectively.

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