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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Average daily number of disembarked passengers approaching pre-pandemic levels
Transport activities
Air Transport Flash Statistics
Average daily number of disembarked passengers approaching pre-pandemic levels - March 2022
16 May 2022


In March 2022, there was a movement of 3.6 million passengers and 18.8 thousand tonnes of freight and mail at national airports (+725.2% and +27.0%, respectively), revealing a deceleration compared to the previous month (+877.9% and +48.1%). Compared to March 2019, the movement of passengers at national airports declined by 16.1% and the movement of freight and mail increased by 8.7%.

In the first quarter of 2022, the number of passengers increased by 465.7% (-11.9% compared to the same period of 2020), continuing a trend of approaching the levels recorded in the pre-pandemic period. In March 2022, there was a daily average of disembarked passengers of 59.4 thousand passengers at all national airports (47.8 thousand in the previous month), a value eight times higher than that recorded in the same month of 2021 (7.2 thousand), approaching that recorded in March 2019 (69.5 thousand).

In the first quarter of 2022, France remained the main country of origin and destination of flights, with increases of 408.0% in the number of disembarked passengers and 307.6% in the number of embarked passengers, compared to the same quarter of 2021. The United Kingdom which, in the same period of 2021, was not among the top five countries, now occupied the 2nd position. Spain took the 3rd position.

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