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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

For the first time the movement of passengers at national airports  exceeded 2019 level
Transport activities
Air Transport Flash Statistics
For the first time the movement of passengers at national airports exceeded 2019 level - October 2022
16 December 2022


In October 2022, 5.7 million passengers and 19.1 thousand tonnes of freight and mail were handled at national airports, corresponding to year-on-year variations of +42.6% and +5.1%, respectively. 

For the first time, the movement of passengers exceeded 2019 level (+4.0% in October; -1.0% in the previous month), while the movement of freight and mail decreased by 3.4% (+4.0% in the previous month).

In October 2022, there was a daily average of 90.7 thousand passengers disembarked at national airports (97.2 thousand in the previous month), exceed that recorded in October 2019 (85.9 thousand).

Between January and October 2022, the number of passengers handled increased by 145.5% vis-à-vis the same period of 2021 (-7.0% compared to the same period of 2019). The United Kingdom was the main country of origin and destinations of flights, with growths of 257.4% in the number of disembarked passengers and 262.3% in the number of embarked passengers. 

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