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Computing services continue to stand out with the highest growth in the value of Services Rendered to Enterprises
Business activities statistics
Computing services continue to stand out with the highest growth in the value of Services Rendered to Enterprises - 2021
13 December 2022


In 2021, the value of Services Provided to Enterprises (SPE) grew by 16.4% (+0.3 p.p. above the total for non-financial companies), reaching EUR 21.2 billion, after a reduction of 1.6% in 2020. Compared to 2019, there was a growth of 14.6%.

Gross Value Added (GVA) increased by 15.0% (+3.8% in 2020; +19.3% compared to 2019), reaching EUR 13.0 billion and Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) grew by 11.7% (+10.1% in 2020; +22.9% compared to 2019), amounting to EUR 3.6 billion, lower variations than those recorded in total non-financial companies (+15.2% and +27,3%, respectively).

These results correspond to 134 134 enterprises (+6.1% than in 2020; +7.6% vis-à-vis 2019), employing 465 483 persons (+7.4% over the previous year; +4.2% compared to 2019). With the exception of Legal activities, which recorded a decrease in the number of persons employed (-1.7%), all other Business Services showed growth in this variable in 2021, with emphasis on the Computing sector with the highest increase (+14.8%).

Computing services continued to be the most representative activity (35.4% of total services rendered; +1.2 p.p. than in 2020) and the one that grew the most in 2021 (+20.6%; +10.6% in 2020). Comparing with 2019, the sector grew by 33.4%. In this activity, the GVA and the GOS increased by 17.7% and 9.3%, respectively.

Accounting, auditing and consulting activities remained as the second most representative activity (26.2% of total services rendered), having grown by 14.9% (-3.9% in 2020), thus surpassing by 10.5% the value recorded in 2019. 

In the total of Business Services sector, the five largest companies accounted for 25.4% of the total services rendered in 2021 (26.0% in 2020). By activity, this concentration indicator ranged from a maximum of 85.1% in Computer games publishing to a minimum of 7.8% in Architectural activities.

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