Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

43% of Portuguese households own a computer and 32% have Internet access at home
Information and knowledge society - household survey
43% of Portuguese households own a computer and 32% have Internet access at home - 2005
05 December 2005

In the first quarter of 2005 42.5% of Portuguese households had access to a computer and 31.5% had Internet access at home; 39.6% of individuals aged 16-74 used the computer and 32% accessed to the Internet in the same period. These are some of the results of the Survey on Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals, carried out by Statistics Portugal, in cooperation with UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento (Knowledge Society Agency). This Survey assesses the ownership and use of information and communication technology among the Portuguese population.
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