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The movement of passengers at national airports more than doubled in 2022, but still not reaching 2019 levels
Transport activities
Air Transport Flash Statistics
The movement of passengers at national airports more than doubled in 2022, but still not reaching 2019 levels - December 2022
13 February 2023


In December 2022, 4.1 million passengers and 18.3 thousand tonnes of freight and mail were handled at national airports, corresponding to year-on-year variations of +53.0% and -7.4%, respectively. 

The movement of passengers remained above 2019 levels, increasing of 4.0% (+3.0% in November and +4.0% in October). The movement of freight and mail decreased by 6.4% (-1.5% in November 

and -3.4% in October).

In December 2022, there was a daily average of 69.4 thousand passengers disembarked at national airports (65.6 thousand in the previous month), exceeding by 4.9% that recorded in December 2019.

In 2022 (preliminary results), 217.6 thousand commercial aircraft landed at national airports (+61.7% vis-à-vis 2021) and 56.8 million passengers were handled (+121.7%). The freight and mail movement increased by 16.9%, reaching 222.9 thousand tonnes. Compared with 2019, there were variations of -4.5%, -5.6% and +5.8%, in the same order.

In 2022, the United Kingdom was the main country of origin and destination of flights (2nd position in 2021 and 2020), recording increases of 213.5% in the number of disembarked passengers and 218.7% in the number of embarked passengers, surpassing France, which occupied the 2nd position. Spain occupied the 3rd position, surpassing Germany, which was in the 4th position. Italy ranked 5th among the main countries of origin and destination, that in 2021 and 2020 was occupied by Switzerland.

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