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Industrial production increased by 21.0%, in nominal terms, reflecting the significant increase in prices
Industrial production statistics
Provisional data
Industrial production increased by 21.0%, in nominal terms, reflecting the significant increase in prices Provisional data - 2022
04 July 2023


According to the provisional results of the Annual Survey on Industrial Production (IAPI), in 2022, the total sales of products and services in the Manufacturing industries (Divisions 10 to 33, 35 and 38 of CAE Rev.3) increased by 21.0%, in nominal terms, totalling EUR 117.2 billion (+15.0% and EUR 96.8 billion in 2021). Compared to 2019, there was an increase of 24.5%.

A significant part of this variation is justified by the effect of price increases, given that the industrial production price index (IPPI) recorded a year-on-year increase of 20.5% in 2022.

The major contributions to the evolution of the total sales of products and services were identified in the activities of Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and fuels briquettes (Division 19), with +5.5 p.p., followed by Manufacture of food products (Division 10), with +3.1 p.p., and Manufacture of paper and paper products (Division 17), with +1.8 percentage points. According to the IPPI, these divisions are among those that recorded the highest price changes in industrial production in 2022 compared to 2021, highlighting the increase of 26.4% in Division 10.

The Division 10 - Manufacture of food products remained the division with the highest relative weight in the total sales of products and industrial services (13.2%), recording an increase of 23.8% over 2021 (+29.3% compared to 2019). It was followed by Division 19 - Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and fuels briquettes (weight of 10.3%; +79.3% compared to 2021) and Division 29 - Manufacture of motor vehicles (weight of 9.1%; +12.9% compared to 2021).

Among the products with the highest sales value stood out the Gas oils, the Motor spirit (gasoline) and Other parts and accessories, n.e.c., for vehicles.

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