Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays grow again
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate
Overnight stays grow again - February 2024
28 March 2024


The tourist accommodation sector registered 1.8 million guests and 4.3 million overnight stays in February 2024, corresponding to variations of +7.0% and +6.4%, respectively (+1.9% and -0.3% in January 2024, in the same order). Overnight stays by residents grew by 3.1% to 1.4 million, while those by non-residents increased by 8.1%, bucking the slowdown trajectory of the last three months and totaling 2.9 million.

In external markets, the British was the main one in February (share of 17.0%), having registered a growth of 9.4%, followed by Germany (share of 11.4%), which grew by 8.5%. Among the top 10 external markets in February, the French, in the 4th position (weight of 7.5%), also stood out with the highest decrease (-13.3%).

All regions recorded an increase in overnight stays, with greater expression in Oeste e Vale do Tejo (+17.2%) and RA Açores (+14.0%). The smallest increases were registered in Alentejo (+1.5%) and Centro (+1.7%).

Occupancy in tourist accommodation establishments decreased in February, to 35.9% and 45.2%, respectively, in net bed and room occupancy rates (-0.6 p.p. and -0.7 p.p., in the same order).

These results were influenced by the calendar's moving structure, i.e., the fact that 2024 is a leap year and, as such, the month of February this year has 29 days, one more than in 2023.

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