Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Mortality increases 3.8% compared to the same month of 2023
Vital Statistics
Monthly data
Mortality increases 3.8% compared to the same month of 2023 - June 2024
12 July 2024


In June 2024, the number of deaths was 9,174, lower than the number registered in May 2024 (418 less deaths; -4.4%) but higher than that registered in June 2023 (338 more deaths; +3.8%).

In May 2024, 7,028 children were born alive, a number that increased 3.1% compared to April 2024 (6,817) but that decreased 4.0% compared to May 2023 (7,322). 

In that month, the natural balance was -2,540, worsening compared to the same month of 2023, when it reached -1,891. 

In May 2024, 3,597 marriages were celebrated, corresponding to an increase of 57.3% compared to number of marriages held in April 2024 (1,310 more marriages) and to an increase of 0.4% compared to May 2023 (15 more).

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