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In real terms, the total gross monthly earnings per employee increased by 3.8
Employment statistics
Gross monthly earnings per worker
In real terms, the total gross monthly earnings per employee increased by 3.8 - 1st Quarter 2024
16 May 2024


The total gross monthly earnings per employee (per job) increased by 6.1%, to €1,443, in the quarter ended in March 2024 (1st quarter of the year), compared to the same period of 2023. The regular and the base components of those earnings increased by 6.1% and 6.3%, reaching €1,285 and €1,209, respectively. In real terms, considering the Consumer Price Index change, the total gross monthly earnings increased by 3.8%, its regular component increased by 3.8% and the base monthly earnings increased by 4.0%. These results cover 4.6 million jobs, corresponding to Social Security beneficiaries and to Caixa Geral de Aposentações subscribers, an increase of 2.9% from the same period of 2023.

Compared to March 2023, the total gross monthly earnings increased in all dimensions of analysis (economic activity, enterprise size, institutional sector, use of technology and knowledge intensity). The largest increases were observed in the “Mining and quarrying” activities (section B; 12.9%), in enterprises of 500 employees and over (6.9%), in the public sector (6.3%), and in enterprises in “Knowledge-intensive market services” (9.4%).

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