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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Growth in revenue from tourist activity accelerated
Tourism activity
Growth in revenue from tourist activity accelerated - May 2024
15 July 2024


In May 2024, the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 3.1 million guests (+9.4%) and 7.7 million overnight stays (+7.5%), amounting to EUR 660.8 million in total revenue (+15.5%) and EUR 505.9 million in revenue from accommodation (+15.5%).

The revenue per available room (RevPAR) stood at EUR 78.3 (+12.0%) and the average daily rate (ADR) amounted to EUR 123.0 (+9.4%). The ADR reached its highest values in Grande Lisboa (EUR 171.4) and Norte (EUR 118.8), having both regions reached new historic highs in this indicator. 

The municipality of Lisboa accounted for 19.8% of all overnight stays (10.2% of total overnight stays spent by residents and 22.9% of those spent by non-residents), increasing by 5.4% (-0.2% regarding residents and +6.3% concerning non-residents). Albufeira (10.7% of total overnight stays) resumed growth (+3.3%, following -13.4% the previous month), having recorded the largest increase in the number of overnight stays of residents (+14.3%) among the municipalities with the largest representativeness, while the number of overnight stays spent by non-residents grew less significantly (+1.8%).

In the accumulated period from January to May 2024, overnight stays rose by 4.4% at 27.7 million, with a 12.2% increase in total revenue and 11.9% in revenue from accommodation. This growth was mainly due to the increase in overnight stays of non-residents (+5.9%), as those spent by residents grew modestly (+0.9%).

Considering all means of accommodation (tourist accommodation establishments, camping and holiday camps, and youth hostels), there were 3.3 million guests and 8.3 million overnight stays in May, representing increases of 9.2% and 7.5%, respectively. Overnight stays spent by residents increased by 7.9% and those spent by non-residents grew by 7.4%.

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