Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Road traffic estimated to 79.5 billion vehicle-km
Transport and Communication Statistics
Road Traffic
Road traffic estimated to 79.5 billion vehicle-km - 2023
14 May 2024


Statistics Portugal releases, for the first time, a statistical study on StatsLab – statistics under development – for the measure of road traffic of the national stock of vehicles. There were presented results for the period 2016-2023 (provisional data) obtained from the odometer readings collected during the technical inspections on the national vehicles fleet.

In 2023, it is estimated that 79.5 billion vehicle-km (vkm) were travelled by the national stock of vehicles (-2.4% compared with 2022; +3.6% compared with 2016, first year of the series). Light passenger vehicles represented 73.5% of total traffic while light goods vehicles amounted to 18.5%. Diesel vehicles (all types of vehicles) represented 73.8% of the total vehicle-km and gasoline vehicles stand for 21.0%.

STATSlab - Statistics in development

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