Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tomato production for industry continues to be high
Monthly Bulletin on agriculture, fishing and agro-industry
Tomato production for industry continues to be high - October 2005
24 October 2005

In 2005 tomato production for industry is expected to reach 1,175,000 tons, which represents a slight decline (-2%) from the previous season, but a 23% increase from the average for the last five years. Wine production, the lowest since 1999, did not exceed 5,765,000 hectolitres, reflecting a 20% fall from the last season. Chicken production attained 19,600 tons in August 2005, reflecting an 8.4% rise from the same month of the previous year. From August, cattle slaughtered for human consumption also increased, as well as poultry and rabbits, rising by 3.6% and 8.1% respectively.
Press release
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