Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Gross Domestic Product up by 1.2% in real terms
Quarterly National Accounts - Flash Estimate
Gross Domestic Product up by 1.2% in real terms - 4th Quarter 2010
14 February 2011

The Flash Estimate of the Portuguese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) points to a year on year growth rate of 1.2% in volume in the 4th quarter 2010 (1.3% in the previous quarter). Comparing with the previous quarter, the Portuguese GDP diminished 0.3%.
The contribution of Exports of Goods and Services for the GDP year on year change rate remained strong in the 4th quarter although it was slightly lower than the observed in the previous quarter. The Final Consumption Expenditures of Resident Households decelerated, despite the stronger growth of the motor vehicles component, while Investment diminished less intensely when compared with the 3rd quarter.
According to the preliminary estimate, Portuguese GDP was up by 1.4% in real terms in 2010.

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