Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays of non residents still growing
Tourism activity
Overnight stays of non residents still growing - November 2010
10 January 2011

In November 2010, hotel activity registered 2.0 million overnight stays, representing a slight downturn of 0.1%. Contribution of residents decreased by 4.1%, while non residents which represented 62.2% of the total, rose 2.4%, although the pace of the increase slowed down over the last months. Considering countries of origin, the Dutch market (+15.1%), the Italian (+12.3%) and the Brazilian (+22.9%) become evident. On the contrary the Spanish market accounted for a fall of 18.2% towards the same period of the last year.
Total income from hotel activity reached EUR 98.5 million accounting for a slight decrease of 0.4%, while income from hotel occupancy reached EUR 64.2 million, corresponding to a growth of 1.5%.

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