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Provisional Estimates of Resident Population - Portugal, NUTS 2, NUTS 3 and Municipalities
Resident population estimates
Provisional Estimates of Resident Population - Portugal, NUTS 2, NUTS 3 and Municipalities - 2009
09 June 2010

Statistics Portugal releases on the results of “Estimativas Provisórias de População Residente, 2009, Portugal, NUTS II, NUTS III e Municípios” (Provisional Estimates of Resident Population in Portugal for 2009) as well as the main demographic indicators for 2009.
2009 demographic behaviour is characterized by an increase of 10 463 individuals, as a result of a negative natural balance (-4 945) and a positive net migration (15 408). Consequentially, the resident population is estimated at 10 637 713 individuals by 31 December 2009.

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