Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Portuguese diet moves away from good nutritional practices
Food Balance Sheet
Portuguese diet moves away from good nutritional practices
30 November 2010

During the period 2003 to 2008, the Portuguese diet reinforced its lack of balance. The Portuguese food supply reveals an excess of calories, saturated fats, “Oil and fats” and “Meat, fish and eggs” supplies, and shortage of fruits, vegetables and dried pulses.
The food products analysis shows growing supplies of meat and fish. Poultry was the type of meat that had the highest increase over the period, accounting for 33% of meat supply in 2008. Although the fish supply has increased, Cod fish dropped to about 20%. The root supply has been replaced by cereals and shortenings by olive oil. As a remark, after 2007, cocoa and chocolate supplies surpassed coffee. Beer was the favourite alcoholic beverage, while water was the preferred non alcoholic beverage.

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