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Regional Development Composite Index
Regional Development Composite Index
Regional Development Composite Index - 2007
27 April 2010

In 2007 according to the results from the Regional Development Composite Index (ISDR) four NUTS 3 regions stood above the overall development national average with Grande Lisboa at the top and then Pinhal Litoral, Beira Interior Sul and Baixo Vouga.
Regarding competitiveness, coastal regions stood out in opposition to the inland regions. As for cohesion the index indicated a more balanced country than the one resulting both from the competitiveness and the overall indexes, with some of Mainland centre sub-regions at the top against the Northern and Southern sub-regions and the autonomous regions. Concerning environmental quality the results also suggested a relatively balanced territorial pattern, although in reversed order in relation to competitiveness:  the coast showed, in general, lower environmental quality.

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