Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Please refer to the following indicator Average age of road passenger motor vehicles (year) by type of vehicle and age class; Annual (SOURCE: Statistics Portugal, vehicle fleet statistics) on the ...

Information on Transport and Communication can be found in the following areas: Products> Database> Theme: Transport and Communication Products> Press releases> Theme: Transport and ...

The latest data on the transport of goods can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in ‘Products/ Database‘, ‘Transport and Communication’ theme, ‘Air ...

The latest data on the transport of goods can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in ‘ Products/ Database‘, ‘Transport and Communication’ theme, ‘Land ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find some indicators on Internet access (Source: ANACOM ) ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find some indicators on Subscribers (Source: ANACOM ) ...

Yes. Data on the most recent ‘Road accidents’ can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in ‘ Products / Database‘, ‘Transport and Communication’ ...

Yes. The latest data on cars sold can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in Products / Publications, ‘Multithemes’, ‘Monthly Statistical Bulletin’ , and in ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find some indicators on Telephone access (Source: Statistics Portugal, telecommunications survey) ...

The National Health Survey (INS in Portuguese) aims to characterise the resident population in terms of their state of health and diseases, health care, and health determinants, related to lifestyle ...