Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website, in the following indicator: Abridged Life Tables (Nuts 2013). ...

On the Health website and on the websites of the Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira, Regional Statistical Office of Açores, Directorate-General of Health , National Health Institute ...

In Health Satellite Accounts and in the publication Household budget survey . ...

That information is released only upon specific request. Requests for information can be made under the Contact us/Ask for data or information option available at . ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find data on deaths by cause of death at council level, according to the European Shortlist, in the database indicator . ...

On the Statistics Portugal’s website ( ) – Metadata – Metadata System : – Concepts – Theme: Living conditions and citizenship - Methodological Documentation ...

The ICOR releases information at country level. ...

The IDEF releases information at the level of NUTS 2 regions. ...

NUTS level 1 integrate NUTS level 2 regions, which in turn are composed of level 3 statistical sub-regions (NUTS 3). Sub-regions group adjacent municipalities composed of freguesias (parishes) ...