Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Up to 1970 all the information is available on the Statistics Portugal’s website in the publications area: Population Census and Database . For information up to and including 1981, in addition ...

Statistics Portugal releases annual estimates of the resident population with different levels of age breakdown depending on the geographical breakdown levels: • by age every year for Portugal, ...

On the Statistics Portugal’s website ( ) at: Publications – Theme: Population – Publications: Population Census . The first census available is for 1864 and the last for ...

For all censuses (1981, 1991, 2001, and 2011), requests for information that fall within the types presented in the table below may be released without statistical confidentiality treatment rules ...

Statistics Portugal releases data on the abstention rate in elections, as well as data on the number of members of the Assembly of the Republic, Portuguese nationals in the European Parliament, ...

In the following publication: Household Budget Survey ...

Information on the average disposable income by household is only available at NUTS 2 level, on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website – - Theme: Living conditions ...

In the following publication: Household Budget Survey ...

The definition of homeless population used in the 2011 Census relies on homeless cases based on the housing situation or the type of location where these persons stay overnight. Homeless persons are ...

Statistics Portugal does not release data by street. The maximum geographical breakdown for the 2011 Census is the statistical section or sub-section, which you can find on the Statistics ...