Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

These are a distinct set of rules, funded by one or several institutional units that manage the granting of social benefits and their funding. Concepts relating to official statistical data can be ...

Social protection data are available: - On the Database: The most recent information on each theme is mostly available on the Database, in Products / Statistical data / Theme: Social protection . You ...

Statistics Portugal releases data on beneficiaries, pensioners, social benefits, and social protection expenditure and revenue. The latest data on social protection are available on the Statistics ...

You can find the most recent and also the least recent data on the website. – For the most recent data: ‘ Products / Statistical data / Theme: Social protection’ (after choosing the ...

For further information other than that on the Statistics Portugal’s website on social protection statistics, please visit the Social Security website. ...

Statistics Portugal has information on measured production prices and measured consumer prices. Information can be obtained from Products, Press releases option, or from the Products option, ...

The Population Census and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are two very different statistical operations. The differences between the figures obtained by the two sources are normal, usual, and common to ...

You can browse the information released annually in the Press release on fiscal revenues statistics For international comparisons on public revenue, tax revenue, and other contributions you can ...

Monthly estimates released refer to centred moving quarters. Thus, it is not correct to calculate 3-month averages of these estimates to obtain quarterly figures, nor 12-month averages to obtain ...

In the Labour Force Survey (LFS) activity status is determined by mutually exclusive stages, according to a given order of priorities, through a set of questions for implementation of the concepts in ...