Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Information on the General Government sector can be found in the National Accounts area, specifically in B - Institutional Sectors , namely through the following tables: B.4 General Government Annual ...

The list of entities that in the previous year formed the General Government sector under the European System of National and Regional Accounts – ESA 2010 is published in the National Accounts ...

The Business Climate Indicator is a synthetic indicator estimated from the balance of respondents for questions relating to qualitative surveys on manufacturing, trade, construction and public works, ...

The consumer confidence indicator results from the arithmetic average of the balance of respondents of the questions made in the consumer survey on the outlook for the developments in the following ...

No, industrial production indices and industrial production price indices provide information in relative terms, i.e. they compare figures obtained every period with the average figure in a base ...

Statistics Portugal releases a monthly Press Release with information on interest rates, principal, and average principal outstanding in housing loans. You can also find indicators in Statistical ...

In the Concepts area, choose for example the ‘ concepts by theme ’ option. After selecting the concept of your interest under the ‘more info’ option you can find additional ...

Sectoral confidence indicators result from the arithmetic average of the balance of respondents of a set of questions. The calculation methodology and the questions used to calculate confidence ...

In the metadata area, under the Classifications option, followed by Version correspondence searching by acronyms, for example: - the correspondence table between the CN - Combined Nomenclature 2015, ...

Metadata encompass information supporting the production and interpretation of the statistics produced, i.e. inter-related information on statistical data produced and released, which can be found on ...