Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

No. All information available on the Statistics Portugal’s website is accessible and does not require registration. However, user registration has important advantages, such as the possibility ...

On the Statistics Portugal's website you can access the statistical series of each statistical indicator through the Database (Statistical Data). ...

Press Releases are a summary of information through which Statistics Portugal releases the earliest results obtained through the various statistical operations, as well as other relevant data within ...

Statistics Portugal defines, on an annual basis, a dissemination calendar for all press releases forecast for the year, which may be consulted through the Calendars option in the menu on the ...

Yes. You may consult the forthcoming issues of Press Releases in the calendar on the Homepage. In parallel, after registering as user, you may subscribe to a specific Press Release, receiving a ...

Yes. Upon registration as user, you may subscribe to different contents, namely Press Releases. Through this service, whenever a new subscribed Press Release is issued, the user receives an alert ...

The RSS service (acronym for “Really Simple Syndication”) is a simple way of keeping up to new data without having to access to the Statistics Portugal’s website – this ...

The RSS service (acronym for “Really Simple Syndication”) is a simple way of keeping up to new data without having to access to the Statistics Portugal’s website – this ...

No. Access to, consultation and download of all the statistical information on website are entirely free of charge. Only special requests for information that imply the manual processing of ...

Subscription is available to users registered on the Statistics Portugal’s website; it is possible to receive alerts for a wide range of information, such as press releases, publications and ...