Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Regardless of how the suggestions or complaints are formalised and their pertinence and feasibility, Statistics Portugal responds to all, stating the improvement or corrective action that will be ...

Statistics Portugal handles suggestions in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 10002: 2007 –Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling in ...

Statistics Portugal responds directly to suggestions and complaints submitted through the Statistics Portugal’s website, via WebInq, by letter, fax, email, statistical data user satisfaction ...

Statistics Portugal’s Quality Management Unit responds to all complaints received, and for that purpose it collects the elements needed for responding from the different Statistics Portugal ...

Statistics Portugal follows the principle of responding to suggestions within five business days at most. In complex cases requiring a more extended response timing, Statistics Portugal will send the ...

Statistics Portugal handles complaints in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 10002: 2007 –Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling in ...

A suggestion is a constructive expression for improvement of the quality of the products and/or services provided by Statistics Portugal, and is an opportunity to best render them suitable, whenever ...

Statistics Portugal has an internal procedure in place to define the rules to be observed in the implementation of its system for managing suggestions and complaints sent to it by ...

Complaints can be filed directly on the Statistics Portugal’s website, by filling in an electronic form, available under the ‘Contact us’ option on the top of the screen, or in ...

The personal information related to the authors of suggestions and complaints is exclusively available for the purposes of monitoring Statistics Portugal’s Suggestions and Complaints Management ...