Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The International Monetary Fund compiles several statistical data treated in accordance with internationally agreed rules and standards – the SDDS , to which Portugal has adhered and to which ...

That information is available in the following indicator: Link (Source: Statistics Portugal, Credit institutions and financial corporations survey) ...

You can find further information on this theme on the Turismo de Portugal website (Ministry of Economy). ...

Information on Culture, Sports and Recreation can be found in the following areas: Statistical Data> Theme: Culture, Sports and Recreation Press releases> Theme: Culture, Sports and Recreation ...

Official statistical data are summarised on the Eurostat’s website. However, there is potentially relevant information, as well as studies and reviews in European institutions and Commission ...

Concepts relating to official statistical data can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website, at ‘ Metadata / Metadata System / Concepts by theme ‘. Select the theme ...

Statistics Portugal releases annual information on the number of films shown, cinema sessions and cinema spectators. Up to 2005 the source of this information was the Cinema survey held by Statistics ...

The concepts relating to official statistical data can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website at ‘ Metadata / Metadata System / Concepts by theme ‘. Select the theme ...

Yes, there may be differences. The official statistical data are produced at domestic level with recourse to internationally harmonised methodologies, concepts, and classifications. However, due to ...

On the Statistics Portugal’s website database , with data available up to 2007. Throughout the pages there are data on inbound and outbound tourists. In the Tourism statistics publications ...