Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Tourism Statistics - 2023
General information and the main results of the 2023 tourism statistics are presented, including: Context - international and national economic context, based on information from various sources, ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2022
General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2022 are now disseminated, including: Context - international and national economic context, based on information ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2021
General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2021 are now disseminated, including: - Context - international and national economic context, based on information ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2020
General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2020 are now disseminated, including: - Context - international and national economic context, based on information ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2019
General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2019 are now disseminated, including: - context - international and national economic context, based on information ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2018
General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2018 are now disseminated, including: Context - international and national economic context, based on information ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2017
Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2017, under two perspectives: supply and occupation of collective tourism accommodation establishments, as ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2016
Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism under two perspectives: demand from residents in Portugal, as well as supply of collective tourist ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2015
Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism under two perspectives: demand from residents in Portugal, as well as supply of collective tourist ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2014
In this publication, Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism under two perspectives: demand from residents in Portugal, as well as supply of ...
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