Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Census - 2021
Statistics Portugal disseminates the final results of the - Census 2021 - XVI Population Census. VI Housing Census - , conducted during the first semester of 2021. This edition presents an analysis ...
Publication cover
Census - Preparation, methodology and concepts - 2011
This publication is designed to enable statistical users with the methodological and organizational tools used in the planning, collection and processing of the censuses data, in order to better ...
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Census - Quality survey : methodology and results - 2011
The publication 2011 Census Quality Survey – Methodology and Results is organized in four chapters. After the references to sampling and indicators methodology, data collection and data ...
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Census - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
Publication cover
Census - Final results. Autonomous Region of Madeira - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
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Census - Final results. Autonomous Region of Azores - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
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Census - Final results. Algarve Region - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
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Census - Final results. Alentejo Region - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
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Census - Final results. Lisboa Region - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
Publication cover
Census - Final results. Centro Region - 2011
XV Population census. V Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
Publication cover