Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


People - 2012
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: Population, Education, Culture, Health, Labour Market, Social Protection and Income and Living Conditions. ...
Publication cover
People - 2011
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: Population, Education, Culture, Health, Labour Market, Social Protection and Income and Living Conditions. ...
Publication cover
People - 2010
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: Population, Education, Culture, Health, Labour Market, Social Protection and Income and Living Conditions. ...
Publication cover
People - 2009
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, social protection and income and living conditions. ...
Publication cover
People - 2008
A pocket book containing statistical data of Portugal organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, and social protection. ...
Publication cover
People - 2007
A pocket book containing statistical data of Portugal organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, and social protection. ...
Publication cover
People - 2006
A pocket book containing statistical data of Portugal organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, and social Protection. ...
Publication cover
A pocket book containing statistical data of Portugal organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, and social protection. ...
Publication cover
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: population, education, culture and sports, health, labour market, social protection and income and living conditions. ...
Publication cover