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Paper Paper
Portuguese classification of occupations : 2010
Issue year: 2011


The Portuguese Classification of Occupations 2010 (CPP/2010) is integrated in the latest International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO/2008) and it substitute the National Classification of Occupations 1994 (CNP/94) of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute harmonized with the ISCO/1988.

The structure of CPP/2010 integrates all levels (Major Group, Sub-Major Group, Minor Group and Unit Group) of the ISCO/2008 and it´s an essential tool for statistics on occupations (observation, analysis and consolidation series) and statistical comparability at European and international levels.

PDF CPP2010.pdf (2656 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Classificação Portuguesa das Profissões : 2010. Lisboa : INE, 2011. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0010-2