Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Integrated Business Accounts System - 2003 - 2004
Issue year: 2006

This publication concerns the Integrated Business Accounts System (SCIE) for the period 2003-2004, and corresponds to the 9th exercise of the Accounts System. Companies are the scope for the results now released, as it has previously occurred for 2002-2003. The only change in the scope of the exercise concerns the public sector health units, which were introduced for the first time in the Health sector, due to the change in their legal form.
The findings are based on the data from the Structural Business Survey, and are presented by size classes and for 23 sectors of economic activity, following CAE Rev. 2.1, while the analysis focus on a set of indicators and ratios, which describe the financial and economic structure of the enterprises.

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