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Paper Paper
Integrated Business Accounts System - 1999 - 2000
Issue year: 2003


The Integrated Business Accounts System results, now available, refers to the two years period 1999-2000 and correspond to the sixth exercise of the Accounts System, started on the references years 1994-1995. The results now released have attached a new extrapolation process, different from those used in previous years, now based too on turnover classes to stratify the universe and the sample of enterprises. This change in the process, which had a positive effect in the information now published, led to a revision of the 1999 results presented in the previous publication.
The information is presented following the model already used previously: the results are presented by employment size class and for 23 sectors of economic activity, following the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities - Revision 2 (CAE-Rev.2), and include economic accounts, their respective balancing variables (gross value added, gross operating surplus, current gross profit before taxes and self-financing) and patrimonial elements.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Sistema de Contas Integradas das Empresas : 1999-2000. Lisboa : INE, 2003. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0874-0755.