Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
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Statistics of Services provided to Enterprises - 2000
Issue year: 2002

The publication Statistics of Services provided to entreprises - 2000 is the result of the two specific surveys launched, until now, to the sectors "Computer and Related Activities" and "Advertising". These surveys are part of a development program of the Services sector statistics, aimed at enlarging its coverage in statistical terms. It meets the recommendations of the Statistics Task Force of the High Council of Statistics - Trade and Services, trying to gradually meet new users needs. Data now published represents a summary of the data available in the National Statistical Institute (INE). We may provide, on request, other specific statistical data not published in this edition.
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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas dos Serviços Prestados às Empresas : 2000. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1646-2513