Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Environment Statistics - 2000
Issue year: 2002

In this publication, Statistics Portugal presents its main production of statistical data in the field of Environment Statistics. The publication generally maintains the same type of information as in the previous issue. However, a change was introduced in the presentation format, with the purpose of being more user-friendly and clearer. The statistical information released in this publication corresponds to a summary of available data. It is possible to convey not only the same type of information with a higher degree of geographical breakdown, but furthermore, additional information that, as long as it is not subject to statistical confidentiality, will be supplied under the conditions and in the formats to be agreed upon, under the terms of the provision of services regime and subject to a specific request addressed to Statistics Portugal.
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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Environment Statistics : 2000. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-5276. ISBN 972-673-588-2