Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Agricultural Statistics - 2006
Issue year: 2007


The purpose of this publication is to give an overview of the agriculture for the year 2006, as well as for some branches of national economy related to this sector. Basic results and findings related to the agriculture production are presented on chapters “Crop Production”, “Animal production” and “Forestry production”; agriculture economy, as on “Economic accounts for agriculture”, “Economic accounts for forestry” and “Agriculture price index”; and a wide range of data on Farm structure holdings, Forestry, environment and Food industry, are disseminated through 99 tables. The first chapter presents an analysis on agricultural production, economy and agriculture and environment in 2006. The structure of this publication enables an easier approach to the statistical data, including a brief analysis. Focusing on the user’s needs, we also include a new chapter concerning Food safety.
Some of the most important findings for year 2006, comparing with 2005, show:
In production terms: Cereals season: yields higher than the average ; Pear: production raises 175, 000 tons; Olive oil: production overcame half million hectolitres Poultry meat: break of broiler’s production; Pig meat: Increase of 4% strengthen the weight of this sector in total meat production ; Bovine meat: decrease on production of 11%; Cow’s milk: decrease of milk production in 2006.
In economical terms: Increase in agricultural goods output price index (3.3%); Increase in goods and services currently consumed in agriculture price index (1.5%); Increase in goods and services contributing to agricultural investment price index (1.1%); Increase in Gross Value Added at current prices on Agriculture (5.7%); Increase in Agricultural Income (1.8%).

[Available only in Portuguese language]

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas Agrícolas : 2006. Lisboa : INE, 2007. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0079-4139. ISBN 978-972-673-923-4