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Paper Paper
Survey on the resident population mobility - 2000
Issue year: 2002

The results of the Resident Population Mobility Survey 200, provided in this publication, are arranged according to the relevancy of the collected information, in which concerns mobility practices within certain spatial references. As a significant source of information, they allow typifying the short duration mobility of the population living in the 33 municipalities of the Norte Region, an area assembling nearly 70% of the resident population of the Region. From the viewpoint of producing awareness on mobility, these results allow perceiving the several components which constrain, or structure, the mobility practices of nearly two thirds of the population living in the Norte Region, allowing as well drawing the mobility spatial features and their distinctiveness. Likewise, the results show clearly the connections among mobility, lifestyles and territory structuring, identifying and questioning the interrelations among mobility development, town-planning methods, changes in territory and the social network complexity. This survey proceeds from an agreement between the Directorate General for Land Transports and the Statistics Portugal (Regional Directorate of Norte).
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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística ; Direcção Geral de Transportes Terrestres - Inquérito à mobilidade da população residente : 2000. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 972-673-563-7