Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Madeira - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Azores - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Demographic Studies Review - No. 40
Articles on this edition: · Fertility and Education · Ageing – An increasing phenomenon with geographical differences · The Demographic changes in Portugal · ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - April 2007
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Consumer Price Index - April 2007
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Quarterly Economic Survey - 1st Quarter 2007
The Economic Survey is a publication aimed at monitoring the economic environment. It is addressed at readers seeking reliable information on the growth trends of demand, output, income and prices. ...
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Employment Statistics - 1st Quarter 2007
In this Employment Statistics issue (only Portuguese version), data are published and analysed on the estimates for the main aggregates from the Portuguese Labour Force Survey for the 1st quarter ...
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Communications Statistics - 2005
The main purpose of this publication is to set out the main results on telecommunications and national postal services, both public and private, through economic and financial indicators, traffic and ...
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Consumer Price Index - March 2007
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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